Building ProudCity as an open organization


Open is at the core of ProudCity, a web platform that “lets municipalities easily launch and manage government digital services all in one place.”

As government service providers, it is our duty to ensure cities get the most sustainable, flexible technology available, so that they can best serve their residents, businesses, and visitors. We will do this by following the ethos of what Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst calls the “open organization.”

In his book, The Open Organization, Whitehurst outlines a framework for the open organization, one that applies to both government and companies, like ProudCity, that solely serve the public sector:

An “open organization”—which I define as an organization that engages participative communities both inside and out—responds to opportunities more quickly, has access to resources and talent outside the organization, and inspires, motivates, and empowers people at all levels to act with accountability. The beauty of an open organization is that it’s not about pedaling harder, but about tapping into new sources of power both inside and outside to keep pace with all the fast-moving changes in your environment.

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